onsdag den 16. oktober 2013


Sidenote: I did not take any Pictures of the darling hanging. I thought no good of it, lets just it like that.
I cannot wait till I get to go one foggy, chilly autumn morning, for my very first hunt! And so, it is rather convineant to, well... Be prepared, right?
 I learned to butcher a lovely deer - a fully grown lady, that a teacher of mine had shot on a hunt the previouse day. She had then hung for the day, until he brought me for the single-student class of the day!
 As he ecxplained; the darling had to hang for a day or so (depending on the weather). It lets the meat tender, and oh, start the decomposition.
My teacher took one side, then I took the other, and learned that way. I also tore the skin off, and boy! That ain't easy.
She was a real beauti, and I couldn't halp a fond smile plastered on my face all the whilest<3
 I got the liver, the Heart, and a frontleg. Me and my mother ate the liver yesterday, and the rest of it for lunch today - it was SO very mild - my mother said it was milder than calf liver.
We had the frontleg today, but I personally liked the liver WAY more.
- The liver was so soft, like paste on the inside even, and so mild you almost didn't taste it, but then there was a tingle of something strong (hardly there) and it was magic...
But of cause, the very best part was the PRIDE - it was ME who had treated her!
I also for a while back finished Tomb Raider, A survivor is Born. I was so high afterwards! What a amazing game!

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